
Publications on ostracod toxicity tests ~カイミジンコ毒性試験の論文が出ました!~

カイミジンコHeterocypris incongruensの毒性試験に関する論文が2本、出版されました! Our two papers on the toxicity test using an ostracod Heterocypris incongruens were published! Niyommaneerat W, Nakajima F, Tobino T, Yamamoto K, 2017, Devel…

Paper published in EES (Hiki et al., 2017)

論文がEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety誌でpublishされました! Hiki K., Nakajima F., and Tobino, T., 2017, Application of cDNA-AFLP to biomarker exploration in a non-model species Grandidierella japonica, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 14…

Our work was accepted by Chemosphere!

論文がChemosphereにアクセプトされました! Kyoshiro Hiki, Fumiyuki Nakajima and Tomohiro Tobino: Causes of highway road dust toxicity to an estuarine amphipod: Evaluating the effects of nicotine, Chemosphere, in press. [DOI←Link] ●何につい…

Our paper was accepted (WST, 2015)

このブログでもお馴染みのニホンドロソコエビを用いて道路塵埃(路面上に堆積しているチリやホコリ)の毒性を調べた論文が、Water Science and Technology誌に受理されました!!わーい。 Kyoshiro Hiki and Fumiyuki Nakajima: Effect of salinity on the t…