ヨコエビの飼い方 part 2


This article is about the procedure of keeping aquarium for an amphipod, Grandidierella japonica, in our laboratory. Part 1 is here





 The seawater in culturing aquariums is changed to the new one every week, to maintain pH between 7.5-8.5 and salinity around 30‰. If pH is below 7.5, the dissolved oxygen concentration may be low due to overcrowding or lack of air supply. If so, you have to change seawater, improve aeration system and decrease the number of amphipods.


海水を交換する時はエビを洗い流してしまわないように、250 μmのふるいを使用します。

 A filter of 250 μm mesh size is used to prevent flushing out amphipods.





 餌は熱帯魚飼育用のTetraMinを、週3回250 μmのふるいを通過するサイズにまで砕いてから与えています。与える餌の量は水槽内のヨコエビの数次第ですが、1回あたりヨコエビ1匹につき1~2 mg程度を目安としています。

 TetraMin, commercial fish food, is grounded with a mortar and pestle. A fraction of less than 250 μm is fed to amphipods three times a week. Approximately 1~2 mg of TetraMin is fed to one amphipod per one feeding time.  
