
GC-MS maintenance part 3

GC-MS is a really troublemaker, but all problems with GC-MS was solved! Large amount of water (m/z = 28) was detected, thus molecular sieve was heated with dryer for more than 1h. (This article is written in only Japanese.) こんにちは、日…

GC-MS maintenance part 2

Previously I wrote my experience of maintenance for GC-MS in this blog. Another problem with GC-MS QP 2010 occuered, and I have devoted much time to fix it again. (This article is written in only Japanese.) こんにちは、日置です。 またGC-MS…

放射性物質に関する輪講 (Rinko about radioactive materials)

RINKO is a class, designed and organized by students. In this semester, we had RINKO about radioactive materials in Japanese. こんにちは、日置です。 今学期は、都市工学科環境コースの院生が集まって、放射性物質についての輪講を開催しました。 …